Management team

Who we are: Get to know our management team better here!

Jan Höttges

Bernd Günßler

Jan Höttges graduated in business administration from the Cologne University of Applied Sciences.

From 1990 to 1997, he held various management positions at a furniture trading company; from 1994, as a member of the management board. He was then managing partner with responsibility for purchasing and sales at a restructuring case with over 3,000 employees and 50 branches. Subsequently, as a member of the management of a purchasing association, he was responsible for the areas of marketing, organisation and IT.

Eventually, he was appointed Board Member for Marketing. In 2003, he founded the management consultancy pro­bonum. From the beginning of 2005 until 2022, he was a partner in BÖCKER ZIEMEN, which focuses on digitalisation issues.

Bernd Günßler completed an engineering degree in communications technology in Düsseldorf and has been at home in the IT and telecommunications industry for more than 30 years.

As Managing Director, Vice President Sales and Global Account Manager, he worked for globally operating software and solution providers in Europe.

In 2010, he founded the management consultancy BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES and advises companies on the development of new business fields with a focus on sales, marketing and digitalisation as well as security solutions. He also works as a trainer and coach for well-known companies.

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